How does Ponyboy's character change from the beginning to the end of The Outsiders? Create your account. Darry is serious about keeping his family together after his parents' death. I had taken the long way around, but I was finally home. After Bob dies, Cherry plays a minor role as a liaison between the two gangs. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. When their parents passed away, all three of the boys were greatly affected, but Soda tried to keep things as normal as possible for Ponyboy. At the same time, Dally does not shy from his belief of intense hatred for the Socs and what they represent. At the beginning of the film, Darrel is shown racing towards Ponyboy after he is attacked by the Socs. Thus, the police now influenced a decision of running away far from home to a church, a decision that changed his life beyond repair (fatal injury). Darry thinks that Ponyboy is smart, often with his nose in a book, and believes he has definite potential to grow up and become something. will help you with any book or any question. Latest answer posted August 25, 2020 at 2:39:19 PM, Latest answer posted February 17, 2021 at 7:06:12 PM. Selecting and discarding one's possessions is a continuous process of making decisions based on one's own values. She has a Master of Education degree. Darry's stepped into this role without any preparation, and is probably really afraid to fail. Ponyboy's grades suffer, and he once again begins arguing with, Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. Exceptionally close to his father, Darry was the popular, captain of the high school football team. Every little decision you make builds up to pave a pathway that leads you through your life, and its up to none other than you if your path will be exquisite and richly embroidered or if your path will turn out to be plain, grey, and dull. When Ponyboy comes home, he at first is angry wondering where he was but then notices that he is depressed and asks if something is wrong. Thank you! More than anything, Darry doesn't want to Ponyboy waste his potential. Ponyboy also has an anger outburst and runs away from home leaving Darry behind to regret his actions. Struggling with distance learning? Its worth saving those kids. (178) Unfortunately, Johnny did end up dying primarily because of his value, stay gold. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. Soda was the only one he ever called little buddy.. He stands up for Johnny, and this is one of his beliefs that guide his actions. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Due to his physical endurance, Darry is called Superman, which increases his authority in the gang. Johnny told Ponyboy to stay gold, and Dally told Ponyboy to remain tough. Inarguably, the mixed blessing known as influence of people around you plays a decent role in impacting your life. Having missed a chance to go to college, the guy places high expectations on Ponyboy, investing all available resources from him. Darry Curtis is equally shaken with Johnny's death: he was his subordinate, his gangmate, a boy he committed to protect and care for. When Darry is explaining to Ponyboy how he got his concussion he says, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. When Darry loses his temper and hits Ponyboy, he immediately regrets it. Darry offers sage advice that will help the family, especially Ponyboy, heal and move on. Whatare thedifferences and similarities between the Socs and greasers in The Outsiders? Its all about you, you, and you. Darry, livid with Ponyboy for going missing and not checking in to let Darry know hes safe, reacts from extreme pressure of his roles as father, mother, and older brother. Gang Darry had never really gotten over not going to college. He shows determination to impress perseverance on Ponyboy after Johnny and Dallas are killed. What are Two-bit's personality traits and physical characteristics? This proves that Darry has a level of control and influence over Ponyboy. What page is this on from The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton? Please wait while we process your payment. Nonetheless, because of his values, he ended up breaking his back and sustaining serious injuries, instantly and permanently maiming him. Compare and contrast the Socs and the Greasers in The Outsiders. When Ponyboy returns, he immediately scolds him for staying out late, when Sodapop tries to defend him Darrel yells at him as well irritated that he constantly defends Ponyboy. Scientific and Technological Advancements in the 1970s and Their Impact on American Culture. The rough, rugged and haunted Dallas fascinates Pony. He is frequently concerned that without their parents, Ponyboy could get into trouble and be taken away. Soda fought for fun, Darry for pride, and Two-Bit for conformity. Darry is 20, hardworking, and rarely shows his feelings. However, the climactic point in the relationship between Darry and Ponyboyis reached closer to the end of the book, when Johnny is badly burnt after the fire in the church and there is almost no hope for him to survive. The Greasers are more of a socioeconomic distinction than anything else. Cherry Valance Before Cherry Valance enters the narrative, Ponyboy paints the conflict between the greasers and the Socs as irreconcilable. is one of three sons who took responsibility for raising younger brothers after the death of their parents. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. While he comes across as hard and firm with Ponyboy, he actually seems to enjoy being teased by Sodapop. Mr. Curtis (father; deceased)Mrs. Curtis (mother; deceased)Sodapop Curtis (younger brother)Ponyboy Curtis (youngest brother) If you chose freedom, you value "the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.". Ponyboy asks him not to mention it to, "future convicts," and that his own brothers and friends are not. In The Outsiders, how do the greasers and Socs dress? Sodapop pleads with them to fight no longer and to please do the best then can at it and both Ponyboy and Darrel agree, while tearfully hugging each other. Hinton tells the story of 14-year-old Ponyboy Curtis and his struggle with right and wrong in a society in which he is . In this lesson, we'll learn more about how Darry Curtis dealt with having to grow up way too fast. Family Personality, and he backs that up with lots of heart. He values and cares about the adolescents who are considered "hoods" and have a bleak future, which is why he ends up writing the novel to give them hope. He looks over at. But we don't have to be. We try to make the best site it can be, and we take your feedback very seriously. Everyone reacts differently given a similar situations, or situations that trigger similar emotions. Since Ponyboy's parents died in a tragic car accident, his two brothers are the only members of his immediate family still alive. This sample can be used by anyone, Works Cited, References, and Bibliography, Edubirdie Review Online Writing Services. Since we see the struggle through Pony's eyes, though, we can only guess about Darry's journey based on the details Pony provides.We think he's so hard on Pony because a) he sees Pony's potential and is afraid that if he isn't hard on Pony, then Pony won't reach that potential; and b) he has no experience as a parent! Darry genuinely cares about each of them and we see it throughout the novel. He helps him when he is in trouble. He was the elastic that bonded Ponyboy and Darry together when they were fighting, which is a mentally laborious task. Explore Darry from ''The Outsiders.'' Discount, Discount Code Need Custom Character Analysis Sample With Quotes or Maybe Help With Editing? Even after he murdered Bob and ran away, soon, he really considered turning himself in to the fuzz. Dally ran into a burning church to rescue Johnny. Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. You can view our. Indeed,Darry Curtishere behaves like a parental substitute and Ponyboy behaves like a rebellious teenager driven by childish offense: It was plain to me that Darry didnt want me around. In The Outsiders, what does it mean to "stay gold"? We can be almost sure that Darry Curtiswont make the same mistake ever again. Free trial is available to new customers only. Each brother has suffered tremendous pain with the tragic loss of their parents and their difficult life circumstances. The idea of what makes someone a hero can be seen firstly, from an individual's point of view; the personal viewpoint, which is based on idiosyncratic values . The sheer horror of this fact makes Ponyboy rethink his attitude towards Darry Curtisand finally return home. will help you with any book or any question. Although he eventually got over it, the initial reaction proves that the level of grief Ponyboy succumbed to was far more intense than the level of grief Darry gave in to. He is described as having dark-brown hair like his father but unique, piercing, blue-green eyes with a serious cast to them. When their parents passed away, all three of the boys were greatly affected, but Soda tried to keep things as normal as possible for Ponyboy. The conflicts and hardships he faces in this story tear him swiftly out of his youth and force him to confront some very. We'll occasionally send you account related and promo emails. Darrell"Darry" Curtis & Sodapop Curtis are related to Ponyboy Curtis. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Sodapop runs off with Darrel and Ponyboy chasing after him onto a field. The film was directed by Francis Ford Coppola and was among the first roles of numerous young actors who are still actively on screen for nearly forty years. This made it hard for him to focus on the good in life instead of filling. Rather, Dally understands that his past is a part of his belief system. The frustration Ponyboy feels after losing his parents turns to Darry: Ponyboy protects the memory of his deceased father and his place in the family from being taken by his older brother Darry. Struggling day to day without a glimmer of hope for anything better ages him. Bob. The first, and perhaps most crucial, elements of culture we will discuss are its values and beliefs. Ponyboy, Darry, and Sodapop wait in the hospital waiting room for news about Johnny and Dally. Darrel Curtis. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. And I wouldnt stay if he did. What are Two-bit's personality traits and physical characteristics. Johnny Cade proves that he values being a good person/staying gold and feels the need to fix his own mistakes (the church caught on fire because either Johnny or Ponyboy dropped a cigarette that spread a fire, so it was their mistake). The Greasers are not his priority though, except when violence by the Socs affects his Greaser friends and more importantly, his younger brothers, Sodapop and Ponyboy. What does Cherry mean when she says "things are rough all over" to Ponyboy in The Outsiders? Central Idea Essay: The Role of Unconsciousness in The Outsiders. Reporters and police question and take photos of Ponyboy and his . 60 lessons Teachers and parents! If you don't have anything, you end up like Dallasand I don't mean dead, either. Ponyboy's parents. Darry reprimands his brother for disappearing and making him and Sodapop worry about him. Now, on the eve of a court date, Darry seems to fear Ponyboys nightmares have returned as a bad omen. Darry verbally confronts Ponyboy with the harsh realities of living without parents. This converted his loneliness into low self-esteem. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. He is said to look exactly like his father, but with different eyes. Following the traumatic deaths of Johnny and Dally, Ponyboy thinks about the numerous boys throughout the country in similar situations. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. That's all he has since his parents died in a car crash. We aren't trying to excuse Darry for hitting Pony that one time. Darry becomes infuriated when Ponyboy runs off. The Curtis family is the best example of positive outcomes of values and beliefs. Dally is authentic in how his beliefs guide his actions. I don't care about Darry. As proven by The Outsiders, with limit and caution, influence of others can be the greatest gift given to mankind, but excessive and indecisive allowance of this ostensibly amazing gift can become an excruciating curse. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! Thus, you can see that influence of others can change the path of your life, both positively and negatively. He is actually a very sensitive young man. The introduction of Cherry, however, suggests that individual friendships can chip away at group hatreds. *Service is provided by our writing partner Gradesfixer. How are they different? Hinton | Character & Quotes, Two-Bit in The Outsiders | Character & Analysis, Dally Winston in The Outsiders by SE Hinton | Timeline & Personality, Cherry Valance from The Outsiders | The Outsiders by S.E. one time Steve made the mistake of referring to him as "all brawn and no brain" and Darry nearly shattered his jaw. On the other hand, Johnny inflicted the cause of his parents abandonment on himself rather than their terrible personality of his parents. Then, when he picked up the pieces of the bottle he had broken so he wouldnt puncture a tire, he was following Johnnys advice. Soda's enough, and I'd have him until I got out of school. He told me he loved her, but I guess she didn't love him like he thought she did, because it wasn't him." And if you did have to go by yourself, you should have carried a blade.". Darry is a muscular and tall man, standing at 6' 2", who is broad shouldered. This is a part of his being, as Dally does not use his past as an excuse or as something from which to flee. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. He is a member of a gang called the Greasers and he shares many of the vices that the other Greasers have. So, as Ponyboy constantly reminds us, Darry works all the time at two jobs, one of which is roofing. Darrell is trying to find a common language with Ponyboy, but this is not always possible. Continue to start your free trial. If you have a suggestion about this website or are experiencing a problem with it, or if you need to report abuse on the site, please let us know. When Ponyboy returns home, he, Darry and Soda sincerely hug each other in the moment of the ultimate reunion. This harsh life in the harsh world explains a lot about his smothering attitude to Ponyboy and Soda and his strictness towards the rest of the gang. He is ready to do almost anything to help the gang members have the best life they can in their conditions. He likes to imagine another life. When suddenly Ponyboy combined with exhaustion and his injuries from the rumble causes him to collapse while Darrel and Sodapop rush to his side. The controversy is explained by the fact that the principal sees his potential and seeks to uncover it. We see the signs of emotional burnout in him, usually mentioned by Ponyboy, though he isnt experienced enough to recognize how exhausted his brother is. Click to learn more, Watch out! His dedication to being upstanding often leads his approach to be more like a father than a brother or friend. So his brothers are important to him. He looks out for Johnny during the rumbles. Darry is pretty lenient with Ponyboy about going places on weekends, just not on school nights. Darrel Curtis is one of three sons who took responsibility for raising younger brothers after the death of their parents. His eyes "are like two pieces of pale blue-green ice." However, it is an irrevocable part of his identity. The three boys were orphaned a few years earlier, and now Darry is a 20-year-old trying to raise his two younger, underaged brothers. Darry possibly could have continued his dreams, but his underage, younger brothers would have been separated and placed in boy's homes. Ponyboy also learns to appreciate and value Dally, who is the most callous, reckless member of the gang. Hinton: Ch.2 | Summary, Characters & Setting, The Outsiders by S.E. He has dark-brown hair that kicks out in front and a slight cowlick in the back-just like Dad's-but Darry's eyes are his own. The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. With dark brown hair that curls out in front and has a wave in the back, Darry comes across as tough, cool, and smart. Why does Johnny think Dally is a hero in Chapter 5 of The Outsiders? He abetted Ponyboy and Johnny by providing them with a hideout, money, and a gun after Johnny murdered Bob, the Soc. Cherry Valance Character Analysis. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at But, Pony tells us. Darry is described as tough, smart, and cool by Ponyboy's early narration. The Curtis Gang (Greasers) Darry is important because he plays the role of parent, breadwinner, guide, advisor, and friend to both his two younger brothers and his group of friends. It is then that the Socs arrive in a flock of cars, Darrel and the greasers then stand firm ready to rumble. Darrel is seen with Sodapop at the hospital tearfully reuniting with Ponyboy, relieved that he is safe. Later on, Darrel and Sodapop are seen taking care of Ponyboy while he is bedridden. Refine any search. Darry is 20, hardworking, and rarely shows his feelings. Marie Kondo. Soon, however, his values took a toll on his own life. Hed never called me that before. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. The situation, unfortunately, is very typical for the families that live in hard times. Darry's ethickeep moving forward no matter whatis one reason why the greasers refer to him as "superman." In times of extreme despair, Darry's emotional resilience and wisdom carry the Curtis family through. Its worth it. While readers understand Darrys tough-love approach, Ponyboy doesnt, and he feels picked on and singled out by his older brother. (including. Nevertheless, the 14 year old failed to appreciate that the primary cause that he destroyed the stereotype that a Greaser is stupid was that Ponyboy did what Darry said, even if he did it unwillingly and grudgingly. If I was playing football, I should be in studying, and if I was reading, I should be out playing football, (13) complained Ponyboy. All family relationships revolve around sacrifice. Also, he looks older than his actual age, which is twenty. He is portrayed by the late Patrick Swayze . Because Ponyboy is younger and without many positive role models in the Greaser. [] Darry had never really gotten over not going to college. You'll also receive an email with the link. Darry has several quotes that reveal his character. Darry Curtis has strong personality traits and is committed to his two younger brothers, Sodapop and Ponyboy. In The Outsiders, what does Ponyboy end up doing for his English assignment? Into trouble and be taken away what page is this on from the Outsiders of fact... And hits Ponyboy, investing all available resources from him is not always possible the popular captain! To fear Ponyboys nightmares have returned as a bad omen away, soon, however his! Of people around you plays a minor role as a liaison between the Socs as irreconcilable rough all over to! 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