I will in principle proceed only on the assumption that they will disappear. "[458], Around 100,000 gay men were arrested in Germany and 50,000 jailed between 1933 and 1945; 5,00015,000 are thought to have been sent to concentration camps. [355] Three SS officers were killed. [33] German troops destroyed villages throughout the Soviet Union,[425] rounded up civilians for forced labor in Germany, and caused famine by taking foodstuffs. WebThe figure includes 7.4 million victims of Nazi genocide and reprisals, 2.2 million deaths of persons deported to Germany as forced labour, and 4.1 million famine and disease [19][g] The Nazis used the phrase "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" (German: die Endlsung der Judenfrage). The way people were murdered during the Holocaust was as horrific as the numbers involved. Companies such as BMW, Deutsche Bank, Ford, Opel, Siemens, and Volkswagen faced lawsuits for their use of forced labor during the war. [444], Historians estimate that Germany and its allies killed between 250,000 and 500,000 Roma, around 2550 percent of the community in Europe. People are shot by firing squads, killed by an "air hammer" /Hammerluft/, and poisoned by gas in special gas chambers. Other Victims [421] In occupied countries, the survival of the state was likewise correlated with lower Jewish death rates: 75 percent of Jews survived in France and 99 percent in Denmark, but 75 percent died in the Netherlands, as did 99 percent of Jews who were in Estonia when the Germans arrivedthe Nazis declared Estonia Judenfrei ("free of Jews") in January 1942 at the Wannsee Conference. Poland's Holocaust: Ethnic Strife, Collaboration With Occupying Forces and Genocide in the Second Republic, 19181947. Drive the female Jews into the swamps. WebThe Jewish population of Germany prior to WWII (as of 1930) was 505,000 people out of a total population of 67 million, making them less than 0.75% of the total population. Janusz Gumkowski and Kazimierz Leszczynski, sfn error: no target: CITEREFGordon1984 (, Piotrowski, Tadeusz. The Holocaust is understood as being primarily the genocide of the Jews, but during the Holocaust era[7] (19331945), systematic mass-killings of other population groups occurred. The death rates decreased when the POWs were [196], In the Bulgarian annexed zones of Macedonia and Thrace, upon demand of the German authorities, the Bulgarians handed over the entire Jewish population, about 12,000 Jews to the military authorities, all were deported. the evacuation of the Jews to the East, provided that the Fuehrer gives the appropriate approval in advance. [ac] The Polish Interior Ministry prepared a report, Sprawozdanie 6/42,[376] which said at the end: There are different methods of execution. WebThe Holocaust was Nazi Germanys deliberate, organized, state-sponsored persecution and machinelike murder of approximately six million European Jews and at least five [268] Around 8,500 Jews were deported in all. [231] The shifts were long and often involved exposure to dangerous materials. On that day, Hitler gave a speech in his apartment at the Reich Chancellery to senior Nazi Party leaders: the Reichsleiter and the Gauleiter. [58] Nazi policies divided the population into two groups: the Volksgenossen ("national comrades") who belonged to the Volksgemeinschaft, and the Gemeinschaftsfremde ("community aliens") who did not. Universities dismissed Jewish faculty and students. [173] In the Netherlands, the Germans installed Arthur Seyss-Inquart as Reichskommissar, who began to persecute the country's 140,000 Jews. [373] Also in 1942, Jan Karski sent information to the Allies after being smuggled into the Warsaw Ghetto twice. [b] Donald Niewyk and Francis Nicosia, in The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust (2000), favor a definition that includes the Jews, Roma, and disabled people: "the systematic, state-sponsored murder of entire groups determined by heredity". [381], The British and American governments were reluctant to publicize the intelligence they had received. (See the experience of history.). [50] These ideas became commonplace throughout Germany; the professional classes adopted an ideology that did not see humans as racial equals with equal hereditary value. [42], After the war, 23 senior physicians and other medical personnel were charged at Nuremberg with crimes against humanity. [44] Interested in genetics,[44] and keen to experiment on twins, he would pick out subjects on the ramp from the new arrivals during "selection" (to decide who would be gassed immediately and who would be used as slave labor), shouting "Zwillinge heraus!" WebOf this total, nearly 1.1 million were Jews, 960,000 of which died in the camp. "[274] In the view of Christian Gerlach, Hitler "announced his decision in principle" to annihilate the Jews on or around 12 December 1941, one day after his declaration of war. [328] Johann Kremer, an SS doctor who oversaw the gassings, testified that: "Shouting and screaming of the victims could be heard through the opening and it was clear that they fought for their lives. [419] According to Yad Vashem, "[a]ll the serious research" confirms that between five and six million Jews were murdered. [453], German communists, socialists and trade unionists were among the first to be sent to concentration camps. By the end of April 1941 the Ustae required all Jews to wear insignia, typically a yellow Star of David[191] and started confiscating Jewish property in October 1941. To prevent panic, they were told the gas chambers were showers or delousing chambers. The damage was estimated at 39million Reichsmark. [350], During a revolt in Treblinka on 2 August 1943, inmates killed five or six guards and set fire to camp buildings; several managed to escape. [251] The Romanian military murdered up to 25,000 Jews during the Odessa massacre between 18 October 1941 and March 1942, assisted by gendarmes and the police. Grynszpan was handed over to the Germans and his fate is unknown. [144] The Germans ordered the death penalty for anyone helping Jews. WebThe Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jewish men, women and children by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. [247], Bulgaria introduced anti-Jewish measures between 1940 and 1943 (requirement to wear a yellow star, restrictions on owning telephones or radios, and so on). [422], The survival of Jews in countries where states were not destroyed demonstrates the "crucial" influence of non-Germans (governments and others), according to Christian Gerlach. [461] The police closed gay bars and shut down gay publications. "[73], The economic strain of the Great Depression led Protestant charities and some members of the German medical establishment to advocate compulsory sterilization of the "incurable" mentally and physically disabled,[75] people the Nazis called Lebensunwertes Leben (life unworthy of life). [233] In mid-1942 work camps began requiring newly arrived prisoners to be placed in quarantine for four weeks. [445][446] Research cited by Ian Hancock suggests the pre-war Romani population of Europe may have been much higher, resulting in estimates of up to 1.5 million Roma deaths. [463][464][465] In some concentration camps brothels were established to punish lesbian women by raping them. [428] The death rates decreased when the POWs were needed to help the German war effort; by 1943, half a million had been deployed as slave labor. ", "Major death marches and evacuations, 19441945", "The 11th Armoured Division (Great Britain)", "FAQ: How many Jews were murdered in the Holocaust? [411] The British 11th Armoured Division found around 60,000 prisoners (90 percent Jews) when they liberated Bergen-Belsen,[407][412] as well as 13,000 unburied corpses; another 10,000 people died from typhus or malnutrition over the following weeks. [330] At Auschwitz, the bodies were at first buried in deep pits and covered with lime, but between September and November 1942, on the orders of Himmler, 100,000 bodies were dug up and burned. [101] Around 7,000 Jewish businesses were "Aryanized", and all the legal restrictions on Jews in Germany were imposed in Austria. Under the coordination of the SS, with directions from the highest leadership of the Nazi Party, killings were committed within Germany itself, throughout occupied Europe, and within territories controlled by Germany's allies. Jews were forced out of their jobs and had to register with the government. [168], Germany invaded Norway and Denmark on 9 April 1940, during Operation Weserbung. [61] One of the first, at Dachau, opened on 22 March 1933. [72] Jewish doctors were dismissed or urged to resign. The killing continued until the end of World War II in Europe in May 1945. [275] The following day, Joseph Goebbels, the Reich Minister of Propaganda, noted in his diary: Regarding the Jewish question, the Fhrer is determined to clear the table. [227] The guards became much more brutal, and the death rate increased as the guards not only beat and starved prisoners but killed them more frequently. [485] At least 37 countries and the United Nations have similar observances. [92][91] The laws referred to Jews but applied equally to the Roma and black Germans. Either the German authorities were a party to this outbreak or their powers over public order and a hooligan minority are not what they are proudly claimed to be. Civilians killed in reprisals during the Soviet partisan war account for a major portion. Between 15 May and early July 1944, 437,000 Jews were deported, mostly to Auschwitz, where most of them were murdered by gas; there were four transports a day, each carrying 3,000 people. [142], At the end of 1941, the Germans began building extermination camps in Poland: Auschwitz II,[157] Beec,[158] Chemno,[159] Majdanek,[160] Sobibr,[161] and Treblinka. [258] Instead, Jews native to Bulgaria were sent to the provinces. [18] As non-Jewish groups began to include themselves as Holocaust victims, many Jews chose to use the Hebrew terms Shoah or Churban. Several resistance groups were formed, such as the Jewish Combat Organization (OB) and Jewish Military Union (ZW) in the Warsaw Ghetto and the United Partisan Organization in Vilna. [114], Between 9 and 16 November, 30,000 Jews were sent to the Buchenwald, Dachau, and Sachsenhausen concentration camps. [200], Between early fall 1941 and late spring 1942, Jrgen Matthus writes, 2million of the 3.5million Soviet POWs captured by the Wehrmacht had been executed or had died of neglect and abuse. Forced labor of camp prisoners became commonplace. [49] The second half of the 19th century saw the emergence, in the German empire and Austria-Hungary, of the vlkisch movement, developed by such thinkers as Houston Stewart Chamberlain and Paul de Lagarde. WebIt is estimated that 11million people died in the Holocaust and that about 1.1million of those were children. By the end of the war, some 10,000 remained, representing the lowest survival rate in the Balkans and among the lowest in Europe. [62] Initially the camp contained mostly Communists and Social Democrats. [41], At least 7,000 camp inmates were subjected to medical experiments; most died during them or as a result. Browning interprets this as a meeting to discuss how to justify and speak about the killing. These included Roma, Poles, Ukrainians, Soviet civilians and prisoners of war, and other targeted populations. [84] Between 1939 and 1941, 80,000 to 100,000 mentally ill adults in institutions were killed, as were 5,000 children and 1,000 Jews, also in institutions. According to Yitzhak Arad, this was the highest number of SS officers killed in a single revolt. [393] Between 15 May and 9 July, 440,000 Jews were deported from Hungary to Auschwitz II-Birkenau, almost all sent directly to the gas chambers. WebHistorians estimate that between 250,000 and 500,000 Romani and Sinti were killed by Germans and their collaborators25% to over 50% of the estimate of slightly fewer than 1 million Roma in Europe at the time. Many men and women were also involuntarily sterilized. [130][m] From 1 December, Jews were required to wear Star of David armbands. The segregation of Jews in ghettos culminated in the policy of extermination the Nazis called the Final Solution to the Jewish Question, discussed by senior government officials at the Wannsee Conference in Berlin in January 1942. [410] The Red Cross took control of Theresienstadt on 3 May, days before the Soviets arrived. [430][pageneeded] Filimoshin estimated that civilian forced laborer deaths in Germany totaled 2.1million. [270] Japan had little antisemitism in its society and did not persecute Jews in most of the territories it controlled. ", List of major perpetrators of the Holocaust, Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics, Adolf Hitler, antisemitism and the Holocaust, Anti-Jewish legislation in prewar Nazi Germany, Persecution of the Jews in Schleswig-Holstein (19331945), Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service, Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring, Jewish refugees from German-occupied Europe in the United Kingdom, Central Agency for Jewish Emigration in Vienna, German camps in occupied Poland during World War II, The Fhrer to the German People: 22 June 1941, Collaboration in German-occupied Soviet Union, Reich Chancellery meeting of 12 December 1941, Germany declared war on the United States, Adolf Hitler's Declaration of War against the United States, Responsibility for the Holocaust Other states, Jewish resistance in German-occupied Europe, Polish resistance movement in World War II, The Mass Extermination of Jews in German Occupied Poland, Joint Declaration by Members of the United Nations, German mistreatment of Soviet prisoners of war, Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi Germany, Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany, Reich Central Office for the Combating of Homosexuality and Abortion, Persecution of black people in Nazi Germany, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and crimes against the Jewish people, Reparations Agreement between Israel and the Federal Republic of Germany, rehabilitation of 500,000 Jewish survivors, Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future" Foundation, "Remaining Jewish Population of Europe in 1945", "Shoah: How a Biblical Term Became the Hebrew Word for Holocaust", "The Holocaust: Definition and Preliminary Discussion", "Senior Management Team: Dr. Michael Gray, Academic and Universities Director", "Documenting Numbers of Victims of the Holocaust and Nazi Persecution", "Jewish Losses during the Holocaust: By Country", "Antisemitic Austrian election poster by Bernd Steiner", "Poster promoting the Nazi monthly publication, "Deportations to and from the Warsaw Ghetto", "Einsatzgruppe member kills a Jewish woman and her child near Ivangorod, Ukraine, 1942", "Tattoos and Numbers: The System of Identifying Prisoners at Auschwitz", "Where Memory is a Curse and Amnesia a Blessing: A Journey Through Romania's Holocaust Narrative", "Wannsee Conference and the 'Final Solution', "Jews captured by Waffen SS soldiers during the suppression of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising", "Could the BBC have done more to help Hungarian Jews? [28][h], Other groups targeted after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933[31] include those whom the Nazis viewed as inherently inferior (some Slavic people, particularly Poles and Russians,[32] the Roma, and the disabled), and those targeted because of their beliefs or behavior (such as Jehovah's Witnesses, communists, and homosexuals). [265] Several forced labor camps for Jews were established in Italian-controlled Libya; almost 2,600 Libyan Jews were sent to camps, where 562 were murdered. The extermination camps killed more than five million Jews, with the number rising after their liberation, as thousands of prisoners [170] In late 1940, the country's 1,800 Jews were banned from certain occupations, and in 1941 all Jews had to register their property with the government. [388] Army leaders and economic managers complained about this diversion of resources and the killing of skilled Jewish workers,[389] but Nazi leaders rated ideological imperatives above economic considerations.[390]. [335], Although the Holocaust was planned and directed by Germans, the Nazi regime found willing collaborators in other countries (e.g. The full extent of Mengele's work is unknown because records he sent to Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer are assumed to have been destroyed. Enemies were divided into three groups: the "racial" or "blood" enemies, such as the Jews and Roma; political opponents of Nazism, such as Marxists, liberals, Christians, and the "reactionaries" viewed as wayward "national comrades"; and moral opponents, such as gay men, the work-shy, and habitual criminals. This perception contributed to the canard of Jewish Bolshevism. [126] German plans for Poland included expelling non-Jewish Poles from large areas, settling Germans on the emptied lands,[127] sending the Polish leadership to camps, denying the lower classes an education, and confining Jews. He was convicted in December 1961 and executed in June 1962. [284] On 8 January, Heydrich sent out notes again, this time suggesting 20 January. [169] By June 1940 Norway was completely occupied. Now the world war has come. [369] This was in large measure thanks to Captain Witold Pilecki of the Polish Home Army, who was sent to the camp in September 1940 after allowing himself to be arrested in Warsaw. According to Saul Friedlnder, "[t]estimonies left by Jews from all over occupied Europe indicate that, in contradistinction to vast segments of surrounding society, the victims did not understand what was ultimately in store for them." [320] Victims usually arrived at the extermination camps by freight train. [113] The extent of the violence shocked the rest of the world. The second most numerous group, from 70 to 75 thousand, was the Poles, and the third most numerous, about 20 thousand, the Gypsies. "[89], On 15 September 1935, the Reichstag passed the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor, known as the Nuremberg Laws. Able-bodied Jews, separated according to sex, will be taken in large work columns to these areas for work on roads, in the course of which action doubtless a large portion will be eliminated by natural causes. [459] Hundreds were castrated, sometimes "voluntarily" to avoid criminal sentences. [86] The medical community regularly received bodies for research; for example, the University of Tbingen received 1,077 bodies from executions between 1933 and 1945. [257], Stone writes that Slovakia, led by Roman Catholic priest Jozef Tiso (president of the Slovak State, 19391945), was "one of the most loyal of the collaborationist regimes". [387] Shipments of Jews had priority on the German railways over anything but the army's needs, and continued even in the face of the increasingly dire military situation at the end of 1942. [479][480], Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin, 2016. (twins step forward!). New Haven and London: Yale University Press. The gas chambers were dismantled, the crematoria dynamited, and the mass graves dug up and corpses cremated. [239], At the end of 1937, the Government of Octavian Goga came to power, Romania thus becoming the second overtly antisemitic state in Europe. [b] Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe;[c] around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population. Companies fired Jews and later used them as slave labor. [377], Sprawozdanie 6/42 had reached London by 12 November 1942, where it was translated into English to become part of a 108-page report, "Report on Conditions in Poland", on which the date 27 November 1942 was handwritten. [179] The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum estimates that between 72,900 and 74,000 Jews were murdered during the Holocaust in France. [103] In August that year, Adolf Eichmann was appointed manager (under Franz Walter Stahlecker) of the Central Agency for Jewish Emigration in Vienna (Zentralstelle fr jdische Auswanderung in Wien). [421] In countries allied to Germany, the state's control over its citizens, including the Jews, was seen as a matter of sovereignty. Paramilitary death squads called Einsatzgruppen, in cooperation with the German Army and local collaborators, murdered around 1.3million Jews in mass shootings and pogroms from the summer of 1941. Those were not empty words. About six million were murdered. The Nazis, who came to power in Germany in January 1933, believed that Germans were [c], Death rates were heavily dependent on the survival of European states willing to protect their Jewish citizens. [229], After 1942, the economic function of the camps, previously secondary to their penal and terror functions, came to the fore. [357] By the time the SS had regained control, 451 members of the Sonderkommando were dead; 212 survived. [39] They were then herded naked into the gas chambers. [383] Although governments and the German public appear to have understood what was happening to the Jews, it seems the Jews themselves did not. The By mid-1942, victims were being deported from ghettos across Europe in sealed freight trains to extermination camps where, if they survived the journey, they were gassed, worked or beaten to death, or killed by disease, starvation, cold, medical experiments, or during death marches. [111] Contrary to Goebbel's statements in his diary, the police were not withdrawn; the regular police, Gestapo, SS and SA all took part, although Heinrich Himmler was angry that the SS had joined in. [136] Although the Warsaw Ghetto contained 30 percent of the city's population, it occupied only 2.4 percent of its area,[137] averaging over nine people per room. In just over four-and-a-half years, Nazi Germany systematically murdered at least 1.1 million people at Auschwitz. [281], SS-Obergruppenfhrer Reinhard Heydrich, head of the Reich Security Head Office (RSHA), convened what became known as the Wannsee Conference on 20 January 1942 at Am Groen Wannsee 5658, a villa in Berlin's Wannsee suburb. [264] Most Italian Jews, over 40,000, survived the Holocaust. [473] Other trials of Nazis and collaborators took place in Western and Eastern Europe. [263], Italy introduced antisemitic measures, but there was less antisemitism there than in Germany, and Italian-occupied countries were generally safer for Jews than those occupied by Germany. At the end of the war, approximately 380,000 Polish Jews remained alive, the rest having been murdered, mostly in the ghettos and the six death camps: Chelmo, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau. [87] In August 1941, after protests from Germany's Catholic and Protestant churches, Hitler canceled the T4 program,[88] although disabled people continued to be killed until the end of the war. [54] Central to Hitler's world view was the idea of expansion and Lebensraum (living space) in Eastern Europe for German Aryans, a policy of what Doris Bergen called "race and space". [36], The fall of France gave rise to the Madagascar Plan in the summer of 1940, when French Madagascar in Southeast Africa became the focus of discussions about deporting all European Jews there; it was thought that the area's harsh living conditions would hasten deaths. As German troops advanced, the mass shooting of "anti-German elements" was assigned, as in Poland, to the Einsatzgruppen, this time under the command of Reinhard Heydrich. Warsaw Ghetto twice: CITEREFGordon1984 (, Piotrowski, Tadeusz ] the extent of 's! Trials of Nazis and collaborators took place in Western and Eastern Europe the extermination camps by freight.... Installed Arthur Seyss-Inquart as Reichskommissar, who began to persecute the country 's 140,000 Jews Sachsenhausen concentration camps Second,! Convicted in December 1961 and executed in June 1962 [ 459 ] Hundreds were castrated sometimes. [ m ] From 1 December, Jews native to Bulgaria were sent to the East provided. 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