It's like putting a coin in a slot machine. 4. As the old saying goes, never meet your heroes, because they will always let you down. His reasoning was that there were many more important people than him and would sometimes tell people they should be getting autographs of their teachers or parents. Do not ever call a player by his number. San Jose Sharks' Dan Boyle once . Pros are leery of adults asking for autographs, as they should be. It could have said DAG HAMMARSKJLD. According to NCAA bylaw, if memorabilia is being sold or promoted using a student athlete's name, such as an autograph, "the student-athlete (or the institution acting on behalf of . Among the old-time baseball players, he and Brooks Robinson are recognized as being particularly amiable at these shows, while Willie Mays is recognized for being crotchety. Surrounded by an entourage of 20 mean looking dudes, whose only job was to keep fans away from Mayweather, the fighter tried to relax on the beach. However, in a 2016 article in the Miami Herald, Bonds claimed is jerk persona was just an act during his baseball career. Be . In ancient China an autograph from an emperor was considered priceless, though selling an item bearing the signature was a crime. Instead, Murray would rather you have a unique experience with him instead of a piece of paper. Baseball legends like Bob Feller and Mickey Mantle were early enthusiasts, while Joe DiMaggio set the market. We present to you the best and worst athlete signers of 2006, courtesy . 14 Avril Lavigne Charges a Lot of Money For Meet-and-Greet But Doesn't Let Fans Touch Her. I remember reading an interview with Ewan McGregor (yes, him again!) "Everybody collects something. After the game we were standing out by parking lot to get autographs. SFS has become that how. When it comes to acquiring athletes' signatures, there are plenty of ways to go about the pursuit. Talk about being a total diva! Sitting in the penalty box, fans pelted Domi with objects until the Maple Leafs player squirted water at those seated behind the glass. It is serious multitasking and literally a dodgy business--they must maneuver through steady traffic. Was reading the thread about Willie Mays and his horrible autograph stories. John C. Reilly says he believes it's his choice to sign an autograph or not. The World's Most Entertaining Car Website. "I do," he says finally. The actor, 61, says hell still snap a selfie but no more signing: After 18 years of signing everything for fans - Im retiring. Muhammad avoids eye contact and keeps moving along, scratching out, as he describes it, "M-scribble, scribble, M-scribble, scribble D, number 87. With this tape, mark where you want the item signed, inscription (if applicable), authenticity hologram. Seems strange when most of the time Mayweather is begging for people to notice him. I know it's off topic, but on the great side Of autograph collecting Mr. Aaron Judge signs before almost every Yankee game in the right field ball boy area. However, you better be a dedicated Brady supporter or have some extra cash laying around to get his signature. He had the obligatory Ramirez story--he spotted Ramirez at Copley Place one day, chatted with him for a few minutes, then was stiffed when Manny refused to sign a card--but he's had lots of positive experiences, among them getting an autograph from his favorite player, Red Sox third baseman Bill Mueller. Chris Pratt wont sign an autograph for just anyone, real fans only. "You met your husband on the Internet?" It also got him suspended for a total of 86 games. The 14-time major winner has been all over the news in the last seven years thanks to his large number of mistresses. He has grown to become a legend in the world of golf. Some signings have multiple dealers there, having their . (Though met can be an approximate term. Seconds later, Canseco went off on a fan who heckled him from behind. Jeff Thalblum, owner of Free Agent Sports, which stages autograph sessions with popular sports figures, said the last event that he held before COVID-19 was declared a . If you think that's bad, let's compare that to some other athletes. The hunter waits in line and always gets his man, as long as he pays. Is this amazing or what?". The ball hit the fan in the chest. Autopen autographs: A sign of the times for athletes and fans? As we were walking to the theater SRV gets off the tour bus and heads inside. One thing you have to keep in mind, I had to keep track of who walked up and wanted an autograph. What the.. Not to paint with too broad of a brush, most of the Sally League (and Southern Association) top prospects--other than Little Man Tate--were awesome, such as: Had a ba experience with Ken Griffey Jr one time. 1. Ive heard (mind you, a lot of this thread will probably be cite-free and mostly just heard things) that Russell Crowe doesnt like signing autographs. Simple, direct and brief. "What's the point of getting the autograph? Just like his fellow Beatle, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr announced his decision to rid himself of fan mail and autographs in 2008 via a YouTube video. were. In the case of Barry Bonds, an athlete that had a hot and cold relationship with fans, it was just an act to entertain baseball fans. So if people like Steve Martin or Bill Watterson is disgruntled about people selling and buying their autograph, they could resort to sign as many as possible so as to drive the price so low that its not worth to sell it anymore. A drunken Flair was upset that Robinson called her 'hot' and then went crazy on Robinson. Mark Allen Baker, an autograph-collecting expert who has written several books on the subject, doesn't believe most hunters are sellers. I always get a kick out of players who only sign for kids. Keith Kurlansky, an upbeat 15-year-old visiting from Sharon, Mass., filled me in on his autograph adventures. "You got a better chance of getting Bin Laden," says Petrulis. Most athletes have a story or two about being asked to sign a woman's breast or undergarment, and you might think that the male collectors would resent a distaff presence. "She can be an advantage," says Johnson. Pathetic. Overwhelmed by requests and I just cant do it anymore. It's a little like the sex in a porn movie: It's going to happen--it just might not be exciting. He did return it later. What athletes autograph is worth the most? Find out which actors will not be signing your movie poster any time soon. After the fallout from the incident, Newton got some great PR in 2014 when he gave a wheelchair bound fan a pair of his autographed cleats following practice. Amazed that they will fork over as much as $190 if Banks inscribes a jersey ERNIE BANKS, MR. CUB, HOF 77; 512 HRS, 15 TIMES ALL-STAR; 2 TIMES NL MVP; ALL-CENTURY TEAM--in effect autographing a synopsis of his 19-year Hall of Fame career--or $80 for signing his name on a ball or a photo. Amazed that on this day in August 2005, 34 years after he played his last game as a Chicago Cub, people still remember him. She didnt have a reputation as bitchy back then. The theater was packed and holds over 1,000 people. At the end of the show they both were in the lobby. I can add Reggie Jackson to the list. Banks is amazed by a number of things. Regardless, there are some athletes and sports stars you should never approach in public. Your mother doesn't know?" So go and read what experts can say and why. In addition, Spieth takes exception to golf fans and professional autograph seekers using profanity around kids. Especially if you're in sports. Some players are lazy and don't sign, or they forget to sign, or they promise to sign later, tomorrow, next week. WSJ: "Why Kids Aren't Watching Baseball". People have been collecting signatures for centuries. Your context helps. Jonah Hill often refuses autographs when approached on the street. ", For both collector and signer, the chief advantage of the autograph show is the controlled environment. There's almost nothing that turns off fans faster than learning that their idol actually charges for autographs. Stories abound of Jordan lighting up cigars and refusing to put them out. As a collector at visiting team hotels in the 1960's Aaron , Mantle, and Bob Buhl were horror stories I still remember 50 years later the details of which I put on other posts. Did you respond at all when the ball got handed back to you like " hey Cal please please lm not going to sell it!!!". Thats what I like about the book businesses. ", The door opens, and the veterans dash across Delaware. "That someday I might have to ask that kid for a job." In any case, no autograph in the world has any intrinsic meaning to me. That made a lasting impression." Some athletes, though, are compliant signers because they remember what it was like being on the other side--the triumphs and the disappointments. Martinez also takes time with his signature. But trouble has never been far behind him. Spieth has also denied fans autographs at golf events for running into, shoving or smashing against children who are also attempting to get his signature. "I didn't have the nerve to ask [Roger] Clemens because he gets so many requests," says Eyre. Here's a list of athletes I know ask for a donation to sign an autograph and how much they request per autograph. contain. Fans have pointed out that even if you get lucky, he wont look at you. Unique lists featuring pop culture, entertainment and crazy facts. Madison once queued up to get Troy Aikman's signature only to find that the former Dallas Cowboys quarterback had ordered that an extra table be set up so collectors could not get close enough to shake his hand or request a photo.). Some goes to kids. From walking past kids wanting autographs to having unpleasant exchanges with fans, Bonds created a character for the entertainment of fans. In one incident during his Manchester City time, he beat up teammate Ousmane Dabo during training. News on all your favorite celebs, reality TV, and movies. I can't throw them away. College athletes can't use their school's logo in sponsorship deals, but they can hire an agent for . If it's the biggest jerk on the team, then they start getting ideas about what people do with autographs.". Autograph Collecting 101 5 min read. The Babe Ruth collectible that is the most expensive autograph in sports, is a brand new signed baseball that went on sale in 2012. Reggie Jackson was similar the first time I got his sig (shortly after his playing days) but I think he's mellowed out quite a bit. In 2012, he stole a video camera from Team Sweden's video coach at an under-18 tournament. Blood gushing from the man's cranium, Woods looked annoyed as he wrote his name on a golf glove and gave it to the injured spectator. During one 2015 event, Brady charged fans $650 to sign his name to a photo or football card. Still, my essential opinion of autograph collecting is unchanged. Here are a few pointers on how to get autographs of your favorite players without sticking out or being grouped with my second most-loathed group in the baseball world: the "autograph monkeys." 1. Bill Richert has brought his son, Bill Jr., to Wrigley, and Dempster signs a ball for the little boy. Below are updated signing dates for each sport for student-athletes signing in 2022-2023 for 2023-2024 enrollment: Sport. In spring training in AZ most kids say 8 or under "collecting autographs" were children whose fathers were dealers and they brought them along knowing they would sign. If your letter is more than a page and your purpose is to request a signature, it's probably too long. Kids = yes/ grown-ups = no seems a reasonable system to have in that situation. However, Jordan doesn't have the best reputation from fans who have encountered him firsthand. I was fortunate to pay 40 bucks a piece for him signing an 11x14 flat and my HOF book in 1991. They call out to any player who drifts into the vicinity, and quite often a player will toss a ball to them. If you run into one of these celebrities on the street, dont bother asking them for an autograph. Understand you may not be able to get the attention of one of the top players in the game, but his teammates may be more accessible. Pah. We'd be a beer league without fans." "I look at the autograph, and it takes me back to when I met him." ", But there's a dark side, too. After politely explaining all this, the girl said, Yeah, I understand-but could you just sign this please? I think he closed the door on her. CLEVELAND, Ohio - A key component of the National Sports Collectors Convention Aug. 1-5 is the assemblage of athletes and coaches who will be available for autographs. Mark item properly with painter's tape or post it note. By the way, the woman got her signature as well. They don't. has. Tie Domi was hated by everyone from fans to teammates during his NHL career. 14. If you're not getting a signature for resale purposes, does it matter all that much if the corner of a baseball card being signed is bent? He then forced, some say bullied, Indians' pitcher Jason Grimsley into retrieving it from the umpire's room. Because college athletes still hold amateur status, they don't sign with agents but have representatives. I saw her talking about it. And, finally, feeling more connected to the game because I actually meet the guys playing it instead of just seeing them on television. She could have a Great Plumbers of the United States collection. According to Bonds, it was the fans who wanted him to act the way he did. However, acquiring a Bonds autograph remains a daunting task. "Hockey guys are the best," opines Johnson. The Saturday Night Live alum wants to know if you are a real fan before you uncap that pen. That was $300 extra, and your name couldn't exceed 20 letters. were. The striker plays for Italian team Inter Milan and is a bona fide star for the club. Next time you consider asking a sports star for his or her autograph, you might as well take this blog entry along with you. How Verlanders name has not been brought up yet amazes me. Basketball great and civil rights activist Bill Russell was well-known for refusing to sign autographs-ever. Most have been absolutely awesome and gracious, with only a few grumpy jerks mixed in. Then they would run back to get another signed. Your hands and feet contain/contains nearly half the bones in your body. I have several comic books autographed by writers and artists Ive met at conventions. Belle never apologized for hitting the fan, and remained nuts for the remainder of his career, according to teammates and the media. If there were no college athletes, the NCAA wouldn't exist, college coaches wouldn't receive there (sometimes very high) salaries, and brands like Nike couldn't profit from college sports. He stops signing. Athletes gravitate toward the children, probably because they remember when they were young fans hoping to meet their idols. Breaking Bad and Malcolm in the Middle alum, Bryan Cranston, announced he is retiring from signing autographs. More and more athletes are charging a "fee" or "donation" to sign through the mail. To try and get autographs of your favorite player through the mail, first you need to visit the website for the team they plan on. Please note that I sdidnt say she was sad she implied that adults seeking autographs were sad. They come back with autographs from two of the four Reds who had emerged. Those fans have received packages back from the team without Brady's signature. Stars Who Won't Sign Autographs. I had to bend down to so he could sign my autograph using my back as a table. ), Some players take considerable time with their autograph. Kittle approached Bonds about signing some jersey to be auctioned off for a cancer charity. Under the NCAA rule change, college athletes get paid from their social media accounts, broker endorsement deals, autograph signings . The one exception to Rosie's rule seems to be when children ask her for an autograph. He had just finished his running along the warning track. "It still seems more--I don't know--real coming out here to get autographs," says Keith. Said teammate was somewhat hurt and disappointed about this. Besides Mays, the only other ones that I thought were jerks (more in their attitude rather than anything they said or did) were Rose and Winfield. In fact, theres a story about a teammate who was leaving the Celtics, and getting all of the team to sign an autograph book as a memento, and Russell STILL refused to sign. Because they are targets both at the hotel and at the stadium or the arena, and because they're highly popular, baseball and basketball players get the most autograph requests; consequently, they can be the most grudging about giving them. The athlete sits behind a table, doesn't get surprised and is paid to boot. However, based on World Peace's past indiscretions, it is best fans keep their distance. Metta World Peace, aka Ron Artest, may be friends with the fan he once attacked in Detroit, but that doesn't mean you should approach him on the street. First, George Hendrick would ONLY sign STL stuff, then consistently refused to sign. What they get back, however, is a stock letter on Patriots letterhead stating why your item is unsigned. While Spieth may not always be willing to give his signature, at least he is honest about why he doesn't. "I wouldn't call it a collection, exactly. But I will.". It is hard being Tiger Woods. Out comes Reds superstar Ken Griffey Jr. In 1995, when linebacker Kevin Greene was a Pittsburgh Steeler, he was stopped by a youngster seeking his autograph on a football after a preseason session at St. Vincent College in Latrobe, Pa. Greene took the football and, in a variation of the little-used quick kick, punted it over a hill. You just don't realize it. Leonardo DiCaprio is another celebrity who has developed a reputation for being rude to his fans. There are many autographs that are tough to obtain. Not only did Mickelson sign their items, he took a selfie with them, too. But he's not discouraged. Just as a sportswriter resents other journalists who ask stupid questions, the veteran collectors scorn the nonpros who get signatures on index cards. In fact, there's a story about a teammate who was leaving the Celtics, and getting all of the team to sign an autograph book as a memento, and Russell STILL refused to sign. The younger autograph hunters wear hopeful, starry-eyed looks, but the vets pursue their avocation with a certain dispassion. Several dont its true. The Inter star is now the step-father to Lopez's three children. I would only sign autographs/pictures in like a convention or autograph singing event. Fellow PGA pros routinely ask the legends of their own sport for autographs, though this practice turned nasty in 1997 when Woods refused an autograph request from Billy Andrade, who was gathering auction items for a charity tournament. Long-held rules governing amateurism among college athletes do not apply to cheerleaders, meaning they can sell autographs, appear in commercials and wear their cheer uniforms while promoting . In spring training in AZ most kids say 8 or under "collecting autographs" were children whose fathers were dealers and they brought them along knowing they would sign. ", Many NBA players sign with their nondominant hand, flaunting their ambidexterity. Ask the player nicely for an autograph. Bring a quality photograph from home or use a photo sold by the gift shop. A Story: Rod Carew was the . Boston Celtics immortal Bill Russell was a celebrated scowler who declined to sign because he said it led to "idolization." The pandemic has put a stop to that. In fact, the NCAA brings in roughly $1 billion in revenue a year, but college athletes don't receive any of that money in the form of a paycheck. In one instance in 1991, he told one New York Yankees fan he would 'bash his head in' after the fan jeered the power hitter from the stands. But that's not the only thing Canseco did to his fans he threatened them, he hurled profanities at them, and he charged kids for autographs, too, although sometimes he . You can't do all the 'one mores. (Dallas, TX) 105.3 The Fan - There is a really strong debate raging over Aaron Rodgers's decision to not sign an autograph for a cancer survivor at the . Lol all these stories i officially hate baseball now.i mean Ray Washburn???? PEYTON MANNING Thats why Dimaggio was prob a jerk because of that last sleazy dealer/collector who would stoope that low to get a piece signed. And I'm glad that autograph shows have given the underpaid superstars of the past, men like Banks, who missed out on the big bucks, a downright amazing revenue stream. I don't equate Old and gruff with being a total jerk. I'm going to call her." Would love to see a thread on other encounters by other baseball players. Even little kids dont get signatures. Based on interviews, personal experience and data in trade publications, he estimates that 97% of the 15,000 enthusiasts in the U.S. don't peddle their wares. Like vassals at the castle wall, the autograph collectors--they don't like being called hounds, and most of them swear they're not sellers--stand on the sidewalk across from the Westin Michigan Avenue in Chicago, awaiting the departure of the Cincinnati Reds for a day game at Wrigley Field. Ive heard woe betide anyone who asks Helen Hunt for an autograph. Because the law doesn't say they can, or the law explicitly says they can't, unless it does, until it doesn't, depending on where you are and when it happens and who does what in each. "You walk over to sign, and there are so many people that you can't get to everyone. . Cardinal pitcher Ray Washburn told my two younger brothers to 'go to hell' when they called out his name from the Astrodome's pavillion seats at a day game way back when. Just from my personal experience, it didn't go as well as I would have liked. The pandemic has put a stop to that. I believe that collectors vastly outnumber sellers and that any nonsuperstar athlete is misinformed if he thinks a majority of the autograph-collecting populace is making a living auctioning off his signature. Floyd Mayweather. Willie totally ignored him and he was crushed. Few have had anything good to say about the player from public meetings. Cam Newton is the biggest media star the Carolina Panthers have ever had, so it makes some sense to why he doesn't sign autographs every time he is asked. "This is amazing," says Banks, 74. Net54baseball Vintage (WWII & Older) Baseball Cards & New Member Introductions, Net54baseball Sports (Primarily) Vintage Memorabilia Forum incl. San Jose, CA 95126-1555. The players would park and walk by us. He came out wearing glasses like for when you eyes are dilated. Barry Bonds had a long running reputation as a real jerk to fans. I have a nice collection of original comic art growing thanks to these guys coolness. In fact, Mayweather typically doesn't do anything unless money is involved. ", "Autograph hunting is the most unattractive manifestation of sex-starved curiosity." Years ago I was at a Washington Bullets game (obviously before the name change) and Wes Unseld, their star center from the 70s who remained onboard as one of the higher-ups within the organization, appeared in the area where all of the concession stands and restrooms are located.

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