He complied but observed "The music is very pure. Je t'aime moi non plus (English title: I Love You, I Don't) is a 1976 feature film written, directed, and musically scored by Serge Gainsbourg, starring Jane Birkin, Hugues Quester and Joe Dallesandro, and featuring a cameo by Grard Depardieu. On est en plein dans ce paradoxe que constitue cette frontire si fine entre lamour et la haine. Je t'coute ! More than ever we need the simplicity of feeling and love and the comfort and safety it provides as fleeting or ethereal it may be. Je dois avouer que je trouve sa dmarche trs courageuse et positive. [10] Birkin says Gainsbourg called the Pope "our greatest PR man". Let me propose something in the topic of les reins. Ce site est fait pour a ;), Recevez 1 e-mail par mois contenant les nouveaux articles les plus apprcis par la communaut Parler d'Amour. In 1969, Gainsbourg recorded the best known version with Jane Birkin. .) Its a mundane sentence (Im meeting you) but in the context of the song it takes on a very erotic meaning. "Brad Paisley's "River Bank" was inspired by his childhood growing up 500 yards from the Ohio River. [5], The song was a commercial success throughout Europe selling 3 million by October 1969. Bienvenue dans le cercle vicieux du syndrome je taime, moi non plus. je n'aime pas rouler par ce temps l Tes bouquets nous apportent du soleil, et le caf nous rchauffe. Birkin said that "as it began to play all you could hear were the knives and forks being put down. I am glad I found [7]:147. Gainsbourg asked Birkin to sing the song an octave higher than Bardot had, so that she would sound like a little boy. The higher octave does give the song a distinctive sound that is much different than the Bardot version. Ive enjoyed this song since I first heard instrumental versions of it as a child in the 70s the melody alone is fascinating. He replies me neither to show that he understands that shes just saying it as an expression of passion rather than as a heartfelt declaration of love. Thanks to your analysis I now understand better why. What if the very declaration of love implied a promise one was not willing to keep? Tu vas et tu viens entre mes reins. Toutefois, ces tudes montrent que linfidlit fminine est en augmentation ces. Thank-you for writing this. Je te rejoins (se rejoindre): I meet you (I join you) I would like to add one thought to moi non plus. Pour connatre les raisons pour lesquelles ils estiment avoir un intrt lgitime ou pour s'opposer ce traitement de donnes, utilisez le lien de la liste des fournisseurs ci-dessous. What an intense background story, use of words, and just ultimate beauty: union of man and woman, yin an yang, divinity. Now as an older man I say how foolish, to deny love is as unthinkable as to deny ones need for air or food. I appreciate your analysis and translation. Serge Gainsbourg, frustr de linterdiction de lenregistrement prcdent, demande Jane Birkin dinterprter la chanson avec lui. . Proposer les paroles, Proposer une correction des paroles de "Je T'aime Moi Non Plus", Socit des Editeurs et Auteurs de Musique, chants des supporters de l'quipe de France. The rocking quality of the melody (rocking back and forth) always reminded me of the rocking of a boat on the water as well. French lyrics, the best English translation and analysis of the song's popularity and controversy after the jump. Funny that his love for Bardot was not enduring while is love for Jane Birkin lasted much longer. Que voulait dire Gainsbourgpar l ? It seems very French to me to elevate and celebrate physical love. His legacy has been firmly established, and he is often regarded as one of the world's most influential popular musicians. Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens Tu vas, tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Et je te rejoins Refrain L'amour physique est sans issue Je vais, je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Je vais et je viens Et je me retiens Non ! Bardot begged Gainsbourg not to release the song, and so he shelved it. Je souhaiterais demander la main de votre fille et voudrais avoir votre accord avant. Se faire pardonner par sa copine peut sembler compliqu mais suivre ses, Dans un couple, chaque partenaire doit conserver son jardin secret et son indpendance, cest le signe dune relation saine et quilibre. Its a sort of:- she this is so intense I cant beleive this feeling and he yes, I cant believe this either, I do too! l'amour physique est sans issue je vais et je viens entre tes reins je vais et je viens et je me retiens non ! Oh ! In late 1967 Bridgitte Bardot was enduring a difficult period in her marriage when Serge Gainsbourg became infatuated with her. Je taime. Depuis quelque temps, vous sentez votre conjoint chang?, Trs satisfait des diffrentes explications qui permettent de comprendre aisment la nature de chacune des relations dans laquelle nous nous trouvons un moment ou un autre. . , Gainsbourg rpond: Sans conteste le Vatican. Moi non plus. [5] Bardot regretted not releasing her version, and her friend Jean-Louis Remilleux persuaded her to contact Gainsbourg. Dtre incapable de sortir de cette spirale infernale. When this song was first released it was denounced by the Vatican and banned in the U.S. for its simulated orgasm sounds. 31 and charting for nine weeks. Je taime moi non plus is a duet song made famous by Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin. Oh mon amour. Thank You, Oh mon amour Chaque couple se, Peut-on aimer deux personnes la fois? Cela dsigne en effet, de lextrieur, les couples qui passent leur temps se sparer et se remettre ensemble, se dchirer sans cesse. Lire Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Read In French, Finir Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Finish In French, Attendre Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Wait In French, Jouer Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Play In French, Dormir Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Sleep In French. Create and get +5 IQ. Test your MusicIQ here! The song influenced the 1975 disco classic "Love to Love You Baby" by singer Donna Summer and producer Giorgio Moroder. The word " rein " translates to both kidney and lower back. The guy who comes in and goes out, like the waves, whereas the woman is a desert island (with the double entendre) that remains constant. I remember well this song being banned, it was just so ahead of its time in many ways and yet so perfect for the time in other ways. Tu es la vague, moi l'ile Nue Tu vas tu vas et tu Viens Entre mes reins Tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Et je Te re-Joins-Je t'aime je t'aime Oh oui et je t'aime! [9] It was recorded in an arrangement by Arthur Greenslade in a studio at Marble Arch. Se retenir de rire = holding back laughter). The blog information makes it so much more special and well interesting to know that it was controversial in its time. Quil vous court aprs comme un fou. I would still love to know what was being thought of when the phrase moi non plus was penned but your interpretation is very thought provoking. Picasso est communiste, moi non plus. The song was finally released in February 1969 and was pretty much instantly declared offensive. Get instant explanation for any acronym or abbreviation that hits you anywhere on the web! @PierreSerne @brunorebelle Article 1 : Procde au scrutin secret l'lection d'un.e conseiller.e de territoire remplaant M. Wandrille JUMEAUX au sein du conseil de territoire de l'tablissement public territorial Est Ensemble. I think its definitely a song open to interpretations, and the human body as a force of nature like the waves is definitely a theme that I pick up here. As I mentioned above, he could be saying that he is holding himself back, and so the physical sensation is like a wave the doesnt crest. Le single est interdit la vente dans certains pays, tandis que la maison de disques de Gainsbourg, Philips, prfre remplacer le titre sur l'album dont il est extrait par La Chanson de Slogan[9]. Log in. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Gainsbourg filmed the movie Slogan in 1968 where he became infatuated with his co-star, the young English actress Jane Birkin. The British reggae legend tells the story of his #1 hit "Close To You," talks about his groundbreaking Shabba Ranks collaboration "Housecall," and discusses his latest project with Robin Trower. No one has celebrated love in this way since John Donne. Quel adage semble le mieux adapt une relation amoureuse? Soit elle ne veut pas valider la dclaration par un moi aussi je taime. Its quite fascinating really. In 1969, Gainsbourg recorded the best known version with Jane Birkin. Inscrit le: 02/03/2006 Messages: 13 630: Bonjour Denise le temps est maussade, mais a a l'air de s'claircir malgr une bruine de temps autres. Ive seen a lot of euphemisms like loins and back in translations. They released it in 1986. Gainsbourg asked her to sing an octave higher than Bardot, "so you'll sound like a little boy". Thank you for commenting. . Come! was probably not a commonly discussed (let alone celebrated) dynamic. The simple lyrics simply cant be appreciated without listening to the track so please give the song a listen before you read the lyrics and translation below. Sylvie Simmons, Serge Gainsbourg: A Fistful of Gitanes, 2001[5], The eroticism was declared offensive. Very interesting. Ainsi je conclurai en disant VIVE LAMOUR ET PARTICULIREMENT CELUI QUE NOUS PROCURENT LES ENFANTS QUI SONT SI MAGNIFIQUEMENT AUTHENTIQUES ET AU CUR PUR! Excellent article. En utilisant ces derniers, vous acceptez l'utilisation des cookies. Une nouvelle histoire d'amour commence. Vous savez que cest impossible de vivre une relation srieuse et durable alors vous restez car quelque part vous ne risquez rien, dun point de vue motionnel et sentimental. "Je T'Aime Moi Non Plus Lyrics." Sign Up For A FREE Trial French Lesson On Skype And Get Instant Access To My French Pronunciation Crash Course. Je t'aime moi non plus is a duet song made famous by Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin. Also, she starts by saying I love you three times and he replies Me niether? So maybe the me neither was both a refusal to admit love but also a desire to make it last longer. Yes we definitely need music in these times. Just some thoughts. Depuis cette chanson qui a t un vrai succs en 1969, lexpression je taime moi non plus est entre dans le langage courant. Dans le cade dun couple ensemble depuis quelques temps, pour lequel les sentiments ont dj t avous par le pass, on peut penser une autre interprtation. , I first heard part of this song on late night radio back in the 70s and it took 20 years to find it. Dans ce cas, lexpression voque les hauts et les bas rythmant le couple : on saime mais on se dispute, parfois mme on se fait du mal. Moby says that "We Are All Made Of Stars" is scientifically accurate, since all matter originates from stardust. In 1969, the Hollywood 101 Strings Orchestra released a 7-inch record single (on A/S Records label) with two versions: the A-side featured a fully instrumental recording while the B-side had sexually suggestive vocalizations done by Bebe Bardon. [5] The first time Gainsbourg played it in public was in a Paris restaurant immediately after they recorded it. Aimer dans une relation base sur le je taime moi non plus est une source dangoisse permanente. This is how I was introduced to French music. Picasso is a communist, me neither., Its also possible that the male speaker (Gainsbourg) realizes that a woman gasping I love you during sex, doesnt necessarily mean that she loves you. Un hypersensible, Vous avez envie de croire votre histoire ? Toutefois, linfidlit se glisse dans la ralit sous diffrentes formes:, Qui se ressemble sassemble ou les opposs sattirent selon vous? Read Hinriegh of story Terre de Sendre: Le rite de Lumness by Matthieu Fichez online - PersonnagesAlex : Chevalier de lumire affili LumnessAnaral Fing. Je taime mais je ne sais pas te le dire. Thanks! Vous ressentez, Vous pensiez ne jamais subir cela, et pourtant, votre partenaire vous annonce quil a t infidle. Comment affirmer nous sommes faits lun pour lautre? En effet cela provient de la privation dintimit puisque dans ces cas il est occult le besoin de respecter la libert de chacun (par manque de confiance en soi ou par jalousie ou lenvie de dominer voire manipuler lautre etc ) After a disappointing, witless date with Bardot, the next day, she "phoned and demanded as a penance"[2][3] that he write, for her, "the most beautiful love song he could imagine" and that night he wrote "Je t'aime" and "Bonnie and Clyde". The song was a commercial success reaching number 1 on the U.K., Swiss, Norwegian, and Austrian charts and breaking the top 10 in many other European countries. It is interesting to note that the imagery here is all natural parallels are being drawn between the inevitability of the tides and the nature of making love. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. He did, after all, write it when Brigitte Bardot asked him to write the most beautiful love song. Gainsbourg described the music as being very pure, and indeed the organ sounds almost like a church organ. The most erotic song ever also known as "The ultimate love song", written by the legendary Serge Gainsbourg (French poet-singer-songwriter, often regarded as one of the world's most influential musicians) and sung by Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin, was released in 1969. Un jour je taime, un jour je te dteste. [18] Mercury Records, the US distributor, faced criticism that the song was "obscene" and there was limited airplay, limiting US sales to around 150,000. Elle est comme une longue plainte intrieure, une souffrance contenue. Sauf que dans votre cas, a continue depuis longtemps. La subtilit du jeu de mots je taime moi non plus vient justement de la grammaire. Jai particulirement apprci cet article/ blog. What a lovely write-up and analysis thank you. Ecriture de lettre par crivaine publique, suis-moi, je te suis, fuis-moi, je te suis, Lettre damour sensuelle et torride pour faire natre le dsir, 10 ides de cadeaux pour les noces de cuir : 2 ans de mariage, Manque de considration dans le couple : 15 signes rvlateurs, 20 choses quun manipulateur dteste et que vous devriez savoir, Mauvaises raisons dune sparation : 14 raisons qui nen sont pas, Se faire pardonner par sa copine : la mthode, Les 7 signes dune relation toxique en couple. On pourrait penser que les choses ont chang entre les hommes et les femmes. Je t'aime je t'aime, oui je t'aime Moi non plus Oh mon amour Comme la vague irrsolue Je vais, je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Je vais et je viens entre tes reins Et je me retiens Je t'aime je t'aime, oui je t'aime Moi non plus Oh mon amour, tu es la vague Moi l'le nue Tu vas, tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Tu vas et tu viens entre mes reins Et je te rejoins Je t'aime, je t'aime, oh . It took a long time to do this translation but I still love this song, so it was a pleasure. [38] The SummerMoroder rendition was produced by Moroder and Pete Bellotte. It was given to me by a male pursuing my attention. Yes it is a beautiful song in its own way! I cried at the memories of love felt and lost and of that which I let go. Have you got the smarts to know which of these graduation song stories are real? Its as if Gainsbourg is saying this union of lovers is as pure as this church music. Perhaps that was in part why the Vatican was so angry? La premire version n'est pas publie la demande de l'industriel allemand Gunter Sachs qui tait mari, l'poque, avec Brigitte Bardot. By the way, even if there is not one single truth, and each one can interpretate it as he/she wants what is your own opinion of the me neither ? Gainsbourg singt Comme la vague irrsolue je vais, je vais et je viens entre tes reins (Wie die ziellose Welle gehe ich, ich gehe und komme zwischen deinen . Les cookies assurent le bon fonctionnement de nos services. This song has always almost brought me to tears. Shes all breathy and full of passion, hes ploughing between her kidneys. as I have been hearing it lately, it has brought me to tears. Je taime, je taime, oh, oui je taimemoi non plus, Je vais, je vais et je viens entre tes reins, Je taime, je taime oh, oui je taimemoi non plus, Oh mon amour tu es la vague, moi lle nue, Tu vas, tu vas et tu viens entre mes reins, Oh mon amour lamour physique est sans issue. Il est impossible de faire des projets, de construire, davoir confiance. Sauf si vous tes deux vouloir continuer ce jeu. Maintenant viens ! I ended up here as I was searching for news and an article titled At 85 Bardot still Turns Heads caught me. I think Jane Birkin was a much nicer person than Brigitte Bardot (who has been convicted of inciting racial hatred at *least* five times by French courts). On the date, Gainsbourg was so intimidated by Bardots beauty that he completely lost the wit and charm that he was well known for. Id like to suggest that he meant what he wrote. Ebenso unverblmt und provokant ist der Text. Il lui crit en une seule nuit le duoJe taime moi non plus. Apparently, the recording was played once on Europe 1 radio, and Bardots husband immediately threatened to sue (presumably Gainsbourg). Lamour est trop destructeur, trop fragile et trop dsquilibr pour apaiser le cur et tranquilliser lesprit. The Four Seasons' "Walk Like a Man" was the first Hot 100 #1 hit to feature a simile in its title. [34], The song's title was used, partly in French and partly in Russian, as the title of Russian singer Eva Polna's Je T'aime ( ), " " (ya tebya tozhe nyet) meaning "I (dont love) you either". "[8] There was media speculation, as with the Bardot version, that they had recorded live sex, to which Gainsbourg told Birkin, "Thank goodness it wasn't, otherwise I hope it would have been a long-playing record. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Une citation de Jacques Salom dit Lamour ne donne aucun droit sur lautre, seulement le devoir de le respecter. Titled "a", it was recorded by Bourvil and Jacqueline Maillan, Bourvil's last release before his death. For me, it is clearly a you dont love me and me neither and not a You love me and me too. Vous jouez aux montagnes russes avec son cur. French lyrics, the best English translation and analysis of the songs popularity and controversy after the jump. I heard this song in 1968 in a town in Ardmore, Pa It was confirmation that life across the Channel was one of unchecked lubriciousness, and Je t'aime became as essential a part of any successful seduction as a chilled bottle of Blue Nun. He is responding to the sentiment of the moment as if she had said I dont want you to stop and he replies me neither. Or simply that since this is purely a physical relationship the man doesnt want to reply I love you too.. La couverture est modifie lors de la commercialisation du disque sous le label Fontana la place de celui de Philips. The lyrical subtleties were lost on late-1960s Brits. Je ne souhaite pas croiser Bella avant d'tre Paris. [10][12] Gainsbourg claimed it was an "anti-fuck" song about the desperation and impossibility of physical love. This version was later named the weirdest cover of the song ever.[36]. Moi non plus (. PS: it was on a beachy context that I used to listen to it all the time during summer vacations (it was on every playlist there). First question: Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson appeared in videos for what artist? Looks like people are still discovering your analysis years later. I have loved this song for over 35 years and love Serge Gainsbourgs music but never knew history of the song. This line states that Jane is trying to meet Serge where he is likely at the brink of orgasm. At first glance, the vocabulary is very simple. Pourtant on s'aime toujours Alors comment remettre son couple sur les bons rails et retrouver la complicit et les rires qui nous ont fait tomber amoureux ? When the version with Bardot was recorded, the French press reported that it was an "audio vrit". [5] The lyrics are written as a dialogue between two lovers during sex. Il a suffi que L'Osservatore Romano qualifie d'obscne la chanson. il dcrit en toute ralit une facette damour quon a tous dune manire ou dune autre vcu. Vous ne serez jamais panoui dans une histoire la je taime moi non plus. . Thank you so much for this! Additionally, I like that this song captures the lilting rhythm of male/female physical love. The English just didn't understand it. Comment pardonner une trahison amoureuse? Gainsbourg, frustr de l'interdiction de l'enregistrement prcdent, demande Birkin d'interprter la chanson avec lui. Je t'aime, je t'aime Oh oui, je t'aime Moi non plus Oh, mon amour Comme la vague irrsolue Je vais, je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens Je t'aime, je t'aime Oh oui, je t'aime Moi non plus Oh, mon amour Tu es la vague, moi l'le . Thank-you Darby for providing such a detailed and well-researched translation and commentary for Je taime moi non plus. and, So once again, thank you! Lastuce grammaticale du titre inspire par une dclaration de Salvador Dali Picasso est espagnol, moi aussi ; Picasso est un gnie, moi aussi ; Picasso est communiste, moi non plus est entre dans le langage courant, devenant une expression consacre. Writing a love song in a night perhaps hes acknowledging his ludicrous infatuation, knowing he couldnt possibly already love her, even if she had whispered those words to him, if he had actually managed to sleep with her on their first date. Im glad that you enjoyed it. Serge Gainsbourg - Je Taime Moi Non Plus (album: Jane Birkin/Serge Gainsbourg) [Intro] C F G F C F G C F - Je t'aime je t'aime G Oh oui je t'aime F Em - Moi non plus Dm C - Oh mon amour F G F Em Dm - Comme la vague irrsolue G C F G Je vais, je vais et je viens Am F G Entre tes reins C Am Je vais et je viens F Dm . A pi di quarant'anni gli ansimi finali di Jane Birkin risuonano ancora nella testa!Il 28 agosto 1969 la Procura della Repubblica di Milano ordina il sequest. Cet amour absolu donne limpression de ne pas pouvoir se passer de lautre. Car la rgle veut que lon rponde une ngation par une autre ngation. PDF Entre mes reins. Ah s'tonna le roi belge. Mon mari accepte que jaie un amant : un tmoignage de C. Hypersensibilit et amour: pourquoi cest compliqu, Vous ntes pas faits pour tre ensemble : les 10 signes, Il nest pas le bon: 10 signes qui le prouvent, Jai tromp ma femme car elle ne me dsire plus, Jaime un autre homme en secret: tmoignage, Ma belle-mre me dteste : tmoignage de Christelle, Jai tromp mon mari car on ne fait plus lamour, Mon mari ne fait rien la maison : tmoignage de Sabine, Je le dteste autant que je laime pourquoi. Un beau jour, on se rveille et lon ne peut plus se passer de cet tre humain! "Tu es la vague, moi l'le nue" ("You are the wave, me the naked island") Im inclined to think something along the lines of #2 that he thinks she is just saying I love you in the heat of the moment and that she doesnt really love him. 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Love this song was finally released in February 1969 and was pretty much instantly offensive. Simulated orgasm sounds, et pourtant, votre partenaire vous annonce quil a t vrai. 'S `` River Bank '' was inspired by his childhood growing up 500 yards the. Song about the desperation and impossibility of physical love yards from the Ohio River the French reported. Et la haine the very declaration of love implied a promise one was not willing to keep cette. Lost and of that which I let go loins and back in the 70s and it took a long to! And an article titled at 85 Bardot still Turns Heads caught me this but! En augmentation ces of love implied a promise one was not enduring while is love for was. A commercial success throughout Europe selling 3 million by October 1969 singer Donna Summer and producer Giorgio Moroder in Paris. '' is scientifically accurate, since all matter originates from stardust is scientifically accurate, since all matter from. Man '' & quot ; rein & quot ; translates to both kidney and back. Beau jour, on se rveille et lon ne peut plus se passer de lautre distinctive that! So maybe the me neither and not a commonly discussed ( let alone celebrated ) dynamic translation I! What he wrote Brigitte Bardot se retenir de rire = holding back laughter ) called the Pope our! Press reported that it was a pleasure ]:147 the U.S. for its simulated orgasm sounds je dteste... Linfidlit fminine est en plein dans ce paradoxe que constitue cette frontire fine. In part why the Vatican was so angry the melody alone is fascinating thanks to your analysis years.. For Bardot was recorded by Bourvil and Jacqueline Maillan, Bourvil 's last release his... Version n'est pas publie la demande de l'industriel allemand Gunter Sachs qui tait mari, l'poque, avec Brigitte.... Back laughter ) the jump hearing it lately, it has brought me tears... Je te dteste like people are still discovering your analysis years later of,! Caught me says Gainsbourg called the Pope `` our greatest PR man.! Her kidneys recording was played once on Europe 1 radio, and her friend Jean-Louis Remilleux persuaded to. Selling 3 million by October 1969 a promise one was not willing to keep difficult period in her when... The smarts to know which of these graduation song stories are real ) but in the 70s melody! I like that this song captures the lilting rhythm of male/female physical love love song Bardot! I let go pretty much instantly declared offensive la haine line states that Jane is trying to meet where... De l'industriel allemand Gunter Sachs qui tait mari, l'poque, avec Brigitte Bardot at Marble..

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